Arts, Disabilities, and Therapies

As our humanities research project progressed in 2022 and 2023, one of our current priorities was creating an online symposium that would take place on April 12, 2023. We had been putting together an engaging and informative program meant to provide valuable insight and challenge the negative misconceptions of disability and showcase how art can be a powerful tool for expression and activism.

Literature for Everyone: Unanswered Questions

Ever since putting together our humanities project for The Humanities Collaborative at EPCC-UTEP, the aim has been to figure out through research the answer to a simple question: what are the benefits of reading, studying, and discussing literature for someone whose job is not to read it, study it, and discuss it?  Our project, "Literature for Everyone," has given us the possibility to answer that question and some others like: "How exactly do we measure the benefits of consuming literature?" or "Are there any other advantages that we don’t know about?"

Layers of Rome: A Summary of the History of the Forum of Caesar

The Layers of Rome project is currently working toward developing a virtual walking tour of the Old and Imperial fora of Rome. Our ultimate goal is to make Roman history more accessible to the general public, as it is immensely difficult to make sense of a field of ruined structures without prior reading.

Border University Collaborations: Past, Present, and Future

The Mexico-United States border brings together and separates communities, cultures, and countries. This complex dynamic also manifests between universities located along the Borderlands, as seen in evolving relationships between institutions like the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) and partner universities in Mexico.

Ideology, Identity, and Process

In 1880, after playing some of the fragments of his trilogy Los Pirineos, the text by Victor Balaguer, Pedrell spent the better part of a year from August 7, 1891, to about June 6, 1891, composing the music to his trilogy, while at the same time taking notes that explained what methods he used and what was his mission. It is in his first publication in September of 1891, that we see a definitive starting point to a national ideology.